Let Ai predict the bid for you - with full insight

Our bidding uses machine learning to predict the most effective bid to maximize return on adspend for each product. The AI constantly improves over time as it gets more data.

Activate products without historical data

Other automatic bidding solutions usually get impressions and clicks on around 20% of your product catalog, there are often big volumes and potential in the other 80%. Bidbrains Activation algorithm finds the hidden high performers in your feed.

Custom ROAS / POAS target

You might have different margins or prioritized product segments, with Bidbrain you can set up your own product segments and let the AI work towards custom target ROAS or POAS.

Leave the heavy lifting for our AI

We use a simple, transparent model that aims to maximize your ROAS and give you full control over your sales volumes. Our AI finds the sweet spot of cost and conversion. Get more profitability on products and optimize what’s really good.

Book a demo

It’s fast and easy to get set up, and our customer success team will be on hand to help you at any point.

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